To top off a small restyle of my external memory I added a 'share' possibility.…
Posted by Everdien on 1/19/25 • Categorized as Dutch Space is Different,My Expos,Portfolio,Sidebar
Walking with AI: Presentation at ISEA2025 in Seoul
I’m going to present a paper! I wrote “Walking with AI: Speculative Walking as Artistic Practice” with my academic supervisors Steven Devleminck and Sandy Claes from KU Leuven/LUCA School of the Arts. And it has been accepted for presentation at the International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA2025) in Seoul!
In this paper I share the first insights from my NulNAP project, in which I take a 500 kilometer walk along the imaginary coastline of the Netherlands together with NedeR – an AI persona that acts as the voice of the Dutch landscape. The paper focuses specifically on how this combination of walking and AI dialogue opens up new perspectives on our relationship with the landscape.

ISEA is a leading international platform where art, science and technology come together. It is a fantastic opportunity to share this research with a global audience of artists and researchers. The feedback from the reviewers was very positive, especially about the innovative combination of embodied knowledge (walking) and artificial intelligence (NedeR).

The paper and presentation will be included in the ISEA2025 proceedings. As soon as these are available, I will, of course, share the link.

Experiment 004/2009: A line made by walking
My research seems to be moving towards the question of 'how do we use our bodies to…
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