Visiting Dia Beacon in the Hudson Valley today - quite the experience. Conceptual art, an…
I’m in Seville at the moment, taking the not-so-little-girl for a week of R&R. I visited Seville before – we had just one day then to sample the city, and I promised myself I’d come back. So here we are …
Seville has lost none of its magic. First day out we went to the Real Alcazar, that has one of the most beautiful gardens I’ve ever seen. This time of year it is full of fragrance – lemon and orange trees, jasmin, mock-orange. There is a walk-on-a-wall that bisects the garden, and sitting there, eyes closed, just smelling, was a profound thing.
We’ve rented a caravan in a small town just outside of Seville. I fell for the pictures of the garden it is placed in – and it turned out even better than advertised. There is a lemon tree in it, so I go to sleep and wake up in its scent.
A garden with a sunny bench and a shady spot under a lemon tree would have almost everything one hopes for in a garden: sun, shade, flowers, fruit, scent. I might add some mint in a corner so I’d have all the ingredients for lemon sherbet right there. I might also add a small water feature for sound. I might add …. if I keep this up I’ll have created an Alcazar.
The ubiquitous mosaic tiles have had their effect on me: I’ve become much more conscious of patterns.

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