
The driest anecdote I ever read, from Groningen province. Source: Trouw, Wat doen we, zaterdag 10 mei 2014.

A farm hand has worked for a certain farmer for years. He cycles to work day in, day out. One day he arrives on a moped. The farmer asks (in untranslatable Groninger dialect): ‘bought a moped?” Next day, the farm hand quits. His reason: “too much waffling”. 

Groningen is the flattest of the flat, the windiest part of a wind-swept country. Inspiration for and home of the artist collective De Ploeg  or The Plough.  A land of straightened-out waterways, endless grasslands. A few remaining Wierden breaking the monotony: man-made hillocks that protect home and hearth against floods.

The painters that were members of De Ploeg were not very mobile. They owned a bicycle, or at best a moped. And they were possessed of an earnest desire to be back home in Groningen City every day before nightfall. Which idea quite took my fancy …..

Dijk langs het Rijtdiep Jan Altinkwaternamen v17



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