
I did mockups of the Camera Obscura in Eemland, visualising what it would look like if I re-imagine the shed as a movie theatre.

This was my original vision for the Camera Obscura – I wanted it to be a movie theatre for the empty Eemland landscape. As it turns out, a Camera Obscura cannot handle that much daylight, so now the shed is a black box inside, with a lens that projects the landscape on a screen and a photo camera that photographs the screen every hour. A laptop transmits the images to online. Once I have the year complete (ideally: 8760 images), I hope to realise this movie theatre (there are yet a few practical snags to overcome). Then I hope to photograph it again as a double portrait of an empty landscape. Will have to do some serious fundraising, as this is a step that needs more large-scale-photographic skills and -equipment than I can reasonably expect to develop myself.

Anyways, this is what it might look like:

I think the mockups might have value all by themselves – let’s consider them works in their own right.

Read more about Camera Obscura on the Eemland research blog. Also, more on the area I adopted after Eemland on the NulNAP research blog.

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