While visiting Scotland I had the opportunity to discuss my work with Irene McAra and Joe Lockwood, both…

Made a video of Waal van Woorden yesterday — the people from Flehite need material to promote the expo The City and the Water. It reminded me again that making video is not my favorite pastime. But hey, needs must …
The complicating factor was that at Flehite we will beamer the work, not use a touch screen as done earlier. And access the words and their meaning via an Iphone app I programmed last month. Later – a much nicer version of the app was programmed for me by Aram Wondergem.
So in order to make the video I had to rearrange my living room (for its white wall), set my beamer on its side and stabilise it (for the work is higher than it is wide) and find someone willing to be video-ed. Then find a video editing program that I can work with, then cut and paste and cut and paste again. All for 30 seconds of video! But am happy with the result.
And this is what it looked like behind the scene:

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