Amazing Superflex

Superflex 01 290910

Went to the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art today, 40 km’s north of Copenhagen. Well worth a visit: a true Temple of Art. The house, plus annexes, plus beautifully kept gardens overlook the Sont, the waterway that divides Denmark and Sweden.

It was a sunny day out, but with a bite – the wind announced that there is winter in our near future. The light here is like  Bergen, or St Petersburgh, or like the French atlantic coast: it scintillates.

The Louisiana had an Anselmn Kiefer  and a Sophie Calle retrospective. Calle’s stuff I’d seen before at de Pont in Tilburg, so I just said hello and moved quickly on. Kiefer Í’d not seen before in real life. His paintings of stark, wintery landscapes contrasted very strongly with the sunny lawns and sea views to be had outside. He’s got a lot of German history to be sombre about – and goes about it with a vengeance.

One piece in the permanent collection I really liked: Flooding McDonalds, a film made by the Danish art collective  Superflex. I came in near the end, and the shocking thing was: I only needed to see the submerged back of one of the chairs to immediately grasp the plot. McDonalds has taken hostage part of my mind … amazing. Apart from this, my fascination with flooding is entirely Dutch. Us compatriots of Hansje Brinker are extra sensible to water flowing where it should not.  I saw the whole film twice and it was beautiful.

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