Algorithm – but fun

I do find my circles in unexpected places. This is the little girl in a very un-flattering pose: I snapped her playing with her alice band.

It is –  again – a question of algorithms. In the case of these pics, the algorithm was:

1. take alice band
2. twist into circle with both hands
3. look through it
4. be photographed
5. go back to step 1

It stopped when she had exhausted the fun to be had, so one line has to be added:

As long as it is fun to do: 
1. take alice band
2. twist into circle with both hands
3. look through it
4. be photographed
5. go back to step 1

Later: is an algorithm – which is a prescribed series of steps – the total opposite of play – which is unstructured? What my little girl did was play, but I captured it as an algorithm.


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