Ramspolbrug try-out?

This is the pleasant little cafe at Afsluitdijk Monument where I had a meeting with Christopher Badenhorst. Christopher works for RWS, the government agency that owns Afsluitdijk plus a lot of other real estate in the Netherlands. I was hoping to interest him in doing art at Afsluitdijk – and yes, he was interested! A very flexible thinker he is, and came up immediately with a number of great suggestions.

One of them being a location for a try-out at Ramspolbrug. This new bridge over the Ramsdiep near Kampen will be open for the public as from november 19th. The weekend before, the road will be closed & this will be a window of opportunity for drawing. Nice! Christopher will check with project management and contractor to see if they are ok with this, then beginning of this week he’ll let me know. Then I will  have to make a lot of big chalks, and find some volunteers for drawing, too. Exiting!

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