Apart from mending a PC today I also worked on my 'seven deadly sins' series…
Am working on a series of 3D collages (3D drawings, really) representing the seven deadly sins. Under bell jars for effect and to keep the dust out. Bell jars had no bases, so I enlisted the help of an uncle who’s a devil with wood and enjoys wood turning. He made six superb supports and brought them to me yesterday. He and auntie stayed the night and and took the seventh bell jar home just now to give it a matching support as well. Very, very nice. Supports even smell nice – wood left over from a parquet floor plus linseed oil. How much better can it get?
As a reminder, the seven deadly sins are the following:
luxuria (lechery/lust) – done
gula (gluttony)
avaritia (avarice/greed)
acedia (sloth/discouragement)
ira (wrath)
invidia (envy) – done, see above
superbia (pride, vanity) – done
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