Into the world

Moved the river of words to Tiel, to the offices of Waterschap Rivierenland (Waterboard RiverCountry is its literal translation). Fortunately my husband is always happy to help me install stuff, he is very creative in finding solutions for unforeseen technical problems. We installed a big touch-screen on a mobile touch screen stand, which of course did not fit to start with. He managed to redeploy a number of parts of the stand in such a way that screen and stand now fit – a very stable solution.

So we delivered on my promise to have everything installed on july 5th, even had a small opening ceremony where Richard Bremer – CIO of Rivierenland – wrote the first entry in the guest book where I hope to have many entries – for I am sure to have made many mistakes in my list of waterwords, and the people of Rivierenland are the professionals.

It was very strange walking out of the Rivierenland building yesterday – as if I’d left my baby with the sitters for the first time. Out of my hands, into the world, this is as it should be. A little scary, nevertheless.

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