
Walking along the river Lek = Nieuwe Maas = Het Scheur = Nieuwe Waterweg – the same river by different names – we arrived at Hook of Holland where we said goodbye to the river and welcome to the sea. We turned our steps northwards to start following the North Sea coast, aiming to end at Turrell’s Celestial Vault at Kijkduin, which we managed.

Had a new idea for mapping our route – happened when I was ruminating about rituals to say goodbye to a river – why not a poem. Felt hubris – what I know about poetry can be written on the back of a very small envelope. Did not let that stop me, wrote a few small ‘GeoGedichten’ or ‘Geographical Poems’.

Geo-poems are made on the spot, are about what I see/feel/sense/remember, and ultimately they shape into a map.

Checked the ‘net for geo-poems – some interesting stuff here and here. No examples yet of poems that are geographical in both shape and content – more research to be done.

Later: found Hamish Fulton and Richard Long both created landscapes with words:

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