Eemland projects

Have been quite busy doing research in Eemland – we even took our boat out and lived on Eemland’s river, the Eem, for a while this summer. And very nice it was!

I documented most of our activities on my Eemland site and decided to only reference them here. So here go the three projects that I am currently engaged with: installing a Camera Obscura in an old milking shed to make a portrait of Eemland over the period of a year (1); discovering the dikes in Eemland with my feet walking Dike Portraits (2); and warning the Eemland area of global warning and its ensuing dangers for the Eem delta in my persona as a Polder Whisperer (3). Check them out below (in Dutch).

Camera Obscura
Camera Obscura
Dike Portraits
Polder Whisperer
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