Spelenopstraat site again

Everdien Breken spelen op straat websiteMade a better layout for ‘spelenopstraat’ – we’re handing out buttons on Saturday, so it’d better be up and running.

I used WordPress for this action site too:  many thanks to the WordPress people – again. And to Peterandrej who provided the layout. There is a huge number of good layouts (‘themes’) on the ‘net, question is just how to find one that looks good and suits ones  purpose.

Then I made some very minor moderations, added a little content, and voila! my action site was up and running. All done in one day – though admittedly, I worked very hard during that day.

Later: I make setting up a site  sound like cooking, adding a little of this and a pinch of that. It’s not really like that, much more structured.

Added material from the tryouts. The real  ‘take’ from the street action we did yesterday will be provided by Ilvy  Njiokiktjien who took pics and Marcia Ottevanger  who took notes, I have blogged about these ladies here.

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