Living by the tide

Everdien Breken Globe View 7 aug 2010

Did another self-portrait like the one I did in Leeuwarden. This one done on board ship, hence the sail, the blue skies and the sea. Nice thing of being aboard is the rithm – our lives are dictated by the tides and the wind. This has a very primitive quality that suits me. Done some work on my essay – after keeping away from it for 2 weeks I was able to look at it with fresh eyes and a wind-swept mind. It is about finished, all I need to do when I come home is to transfer some minor editing from paper to computer, and then I am DONE WITH IT! Which is good, as the due date is august 16th. Then two more weeks of hectic activity, one exam, and I’m through with the masters program.

Have been thinking about what projects to start in the fall. I have some promising ideas. Note: maybe I can talk them over with Klaas and Tiong before end of the school year. I will miss discussing my stuff with them – have to think of a way to fill that hole.

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