Such is life

Everdien Breken Expodium 110910 7108Expodium expo ended last sunday.  I was there to keep the shop open from 13.00 till 17.00, not a very busy afternoon but good to see some classmates again. They are suffering from post-partum depression, a thing I’ve managed to hold at bay so far. Wonder when the bug will bite me?

Pic shows Paul taking down his paper planes. Wonder what he’ll do with them? He’s going to apply for a PhD post, so up the educational ladder one more step. I may do so myself one day. But not now, I need to give my non-art activities a boost. The family has to eat, and buy new shoes too every once and a while.

Everdien Breken Expodium 110910 7124This pic shows an all-too-familiar view of the A2 highway seen from a drivers perspective. Now that I don’t  need to hit the A2 anymore, they have finished reconstructing it. Well, such is life.

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