Tricking the Everyday[2]

Spent the better part of yesterday inviting people to the Tricking the Everyday show. First my personal network, using my list of contacts in my private Hotmail account. Then my professional contacts, using Linkedin. Then my art friends and colleagues, using Facebook. Then the people I work for at Colours Internet Company using Outlook and the company’s address book. Then the Amsterdam galeries I have a list of, the art spaces I frequent and the art magazines I subscribe to. Facebook and Linkedin are quickly done by posting on my wall(s). Took me 4 hours though to send all emails because I decided not to send group mails but individual ones, as I suspect this is more effective. Would it not be great if the opening event were crowded? Academiegalerie, Minrebroederstraat 16, Utrecht, June 10th, 17.00!

Evi is doing really well with the video diary film – she’s compiling our efforts and has some great material to work with. She will bring it to Academiegalerie on monday so we can have a preview. Laura did a booklet that is just beautiful – I’ll post the PDF shortly. I’m keeping an eye on the list of things-still-to-be-done and I do think we’re going to get this show on the road! Leo is in charge of publicity, he’s made a facebook group and an event, check  it out here.

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