Tricking the Everyday

Haven’t blogged for more than a week now – noticed some withdrawal symptoms….

Blogging time was scarce, as I’ve been extremely busy managing projects. And, and! curating a show! The video diary idea is blossoming into an exhibition in Utrecht, how cool is that? Pic shows me cure-ating away with my co-curator Laura Pardo. We’re organising things at incredible speed, and everything seems to be coming together.

Diary making has been a great way to get to grips with post-school reality;  a lot of interesting video  material was produced by all. Evi Renieri will make this material into one film that will have pride of place in the exhibition. The title we chose is Tricking the Everyday, and this is the text we wrote for the invitation:

How to make sense of the art world outside the academic sphere? This show presents a group of artists that find themselves in a time and a space where the ‘strong expectations of research trajectories’ that once where encouraged while pursuing their studies seem to take a different direction shaped by their current reality. All of the exhibitors received their master’s degree in Fine Art after studying at the Utrecht Graduate School of Visual Art and Design last year. The works presented in the show aim to reveal how they venture to make sense of this reality, of their everyday life. They are dealing with quotidian issues that anyone can relate to. Artists or not, people cope daily with hope, joy, worries and dreams, but artists offer an alternative way of addressing the everyday through their work. 
Next week we  producie the film (Evi), drum  up people to go to the opening (Leo) and making a nice booklet to hand out (Laura). I do the contact with the gallery and a myriad of other things.
To be continued!
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