Koninginnedag making of

I had pictures taken of the Koninginnedag action I did together with my little girl. Truth to tell – she was my alibi, as the street market is for kids only. As blogged about before we sold buttons that I designed sporting a text that hinted at the out-datedness of having a monarchy. A couple of people picked up on this, even ….. 

It was an unexpected pleasure seeing myself in action – composed a series of ‘making of’ pics and posted them here. Wish I could take these pics myself though, very difficult not to be the one behind the camera. Below you see us walking through the old town of Zaltbommel towards the street where the street market is held. Flags flying in celebration of the Queen’s birthday – actually her birthday is on january 31th, she wisely decided to celebrate Queens Day on the day her mother used to have her birthday this time of year having a better chance of fair weather.

This is me setting up at a hopeful spot, marking my territory as they all do with a tarpaulin and a number of personal belongings. Some people go in at dawn to claim The Perfect Spot. I’m happy to suffer for my art, but getting out of bed at an ungodly hour isn’t on the book.

I made a display for the buttons – a sandwich board really.  Next year I’ll make one I can put on and walk with. I’ll walk it in some other city, though – dont’ think I have the nerve to be a sandwich-woman in my home town.

Attention from the Press very early on – have to check the local newspapers to see if I got mentioned.

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