From the cloud

I am thinking of ways to use the awesome cloud of images accessible to us from the ‘net. So I had a look at the Flickr API to see what the Flickr people allow us to do with random-grabbed images. Came across some inspirational stuff.  First of all, check out BigHugeLabsHelping you do cool stuff with your digital photos since 2005. :-) Their stuff is cool – I grabbed some of my recent Vincent pics and put them into a couple of BigHuge algorithms: Van Gogh image experiment 0006


Van Gogh image experiment 0005Van Gogh image experiment 0003

Then there are the  pimpampum people.  I came across their Memry game when doing research for my masters thesis (still to be played here). They do awesome stuff based on Flickr and Twitter, making games, maps and other intuitive interfaces that allow for playful  access to the cloud. Inspirational! Only I’ll have to wade through seas of code to make use of this opportunity. Something to be done during the winter months, when I can’t lay on street games.

memry by pimpampum

mapr by pimpampum






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