Varying degrees of compliance

 I graduated at MaHKU doing games – both indoor and out-of-doors – and wrote an essay that I published as an online game here. When revisiting the game recently I discovered that it was a no-go with Chrome where it works fine under Internet Explorer.

This could not be borne! Having some time to spare today, I delved into the matter. First step was to find a way to debug Javascript when running my game under Chrome. For I wrote the game in Javascript, an add-on to HTML that allows for interactivity.

Here is how to debug Javascript/Chrome: go to the little wrench icon on the top right hand corner of the Chrome browser,  click ‘extra’  then click  ‘javascript console’. This shows where javascript goes off track. In my case, the following error message ensued: Uncaught TypeError: Property ‘images’ of object #<HTMLDocument> is not a function.

Huh?Greek to me. So I went and checked my code to see where I did what with ‘images’ . This was it: document.images(u).src= ‘image’+map[u]+’.gif’. That, by the way, is how Javascript turns around a card – by changing the source of the img element so instead of the back of the card we see the front of it.

I hit the ‘net to find out what was wrong with document.images(u).src. First off, I learned about DOM – wiki: The Document Object Model (DOM) is a cross-platform and language-independent convention for representing and interacting with objects in HTML, XHTML and XML documents.[1] 

Now for the scary bit – wiki again: Web browsers rely on layout engines to parse HTML into a DOM. Some layout engines such as Trident/MSHTML and Presto are associated primarily or exclusively with a particular browser such as Internet Explorer and Opera respectively. Others, such as WebKit and Gecko, are shared by a number of browsers, such as Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari. The different layout engines implement the DOM standards to varying degrees of compliance.

Turns out  I.E. and Firefox have a layout engine that executes the document.images command, Chrome and Safari don’t. So I needed to find a command that exchanges one image for another and is recognized by all four browsers. Turned out that there is such a thing: the  document.getElementById command ( I found it  here , thanks you guys!). Tried it, and was perplexed because the game still did not work. Had a better look at the command, figured that I my images had no id so the software did not know where to go. Easy to remedy:

<IMG src=”card-back.gif” name=”c1″ width=”80″ height=”80″ alt=”kaart” onClick=”z=0; test()”></font></td>


<IMG src=”card-back.gif” id=0 name=”c1″ width=”80″ height=”80″ alt=”kaart” onClick=”z=0; test()”></font></td>

Then I got no more error messages, but no cards turned, either. Took a break, this helped, for when I came back to the computer screen I noticed a minor typo: == instead of = . This the computer neither forgives nor forgets. Once I corrected it – bingo! Game running!

Strange thing is, I quite like fooling around with this kind of problem. Takes me back to when I’d just started working software for a living. I remember bug-chasing on a huge computer printout for a week, to finally realise that I’d typed the letter ‘o’ instead of a zero in one little corner.Frustrating – but a great feeling of reward once I’d nailed the problem.

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