Chaos and order.

Having done an Action Weaving tryout at Museon den Haag left me with a small mountain of tangled threads. Last time, at Vlieland, I donated the leftovers to Carpet of Life: they took the tangle with them to the Taragalte to make a carpet. This time I took the tangle home, and it sat in my studio for a while. Yesterday I was badly in need of something soothing to do, so I decided to do some un-tangling. Call me stupid, but there are days I like to do something mindless. So I sat myself down and started pulling, cutting and making knots. Took me about 8 hours all in all, and as a reward I now have an exiting assortment of yarn to play with. Below the ordered system of balls of  yarn a chaotic one: the knots that I cut out.


– eye -mind coordination is an amazing thing – my hands picked out a ball the exact right shade of green to connect a straying bit of yarn to even before my mind had registered that I was looking for something; Is that because of being meditative?
– the feel of the yarn helped select the right ball, too. I seemed to remember – when looking at a certain ball –  how its yarn felt (thickness, flexibility). Strange crossover.
– lots of lovely washed colours, also some very bright ones. Itching to embroider or weave or knit a rainbow. Do a portrait, maybe? Need to find the right cross-stitch fabric to do scaled-up cross-stitching.
– the woman’s T-shirtsall smell like washing powder. Men’s  T-shirts sometimes unwashed. So men donate unwashed clothes – for shame! Do an unwashed work?
– kept the black and white balls apart from the coloured ones. This is nicer to look at. Do a coloured or black-and-white Action Weaving?
– on the table is four-and-a-half bags of  T-shirts made into yarn, that is 65 kg worth of T-shirt. Best ones are the ones without seams, the very light-quality ones. So select more of these next time.

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