Spelen op het Spui

Second try-out today was at Spui – Spelen op het Spui being such a great title for a work. Play at Spui Square. Did a drawing game, but my heart was totally not in it today. Things to remember:

– take time to really look at the place before starting to draw.
– today’s square would have been better served with rectancles not circles;
– the thing would have been better with more direction from me not less;
– maybe wait for a better mood when not in the mood?;
– people left by themselves draw a. hearts b. smileys c. their own names d. penises; Very predictable. And disheartening. And boring, even.

UrbanPlay jan14 10

– next time wear warm(er) clothes;
– or wait for warmer weather;
– next time make sure that I can make pics from on high – ask Jacqueline from Atrium about access to the 6th or 7th floor;
–  next time bring the big girl & one of her friends to do the drawing – it feels awkward trying to direct fellow artists and Eveline;
– next time do outline-of-people drawing and make a time-lapse film.

UrbanPlay jan14 10

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