Mini Galaxy

Mini Galaxy

I’ve done a series of four  Galaxy workshops in Zaltbommel with Stichting Kompas recently. Stichting Kompas aims to welcome  newcomers to Dutch society. They try and get them to come  out of their own circle and into Dutch society a bit more, teaching handy skills like speaking Dutch, dealing with officials and building a network. Galaxy workshops fitted right in, and so I spent a number of enjoyable evenings teaching people to crochet large-scale. The result is stunning – a min Galaxy to be displayed at the Kompas premises.

Figuring out how to display Mini Galaxy proved to be a major headache. It could not be on the floor for any length of time (gets too dirty) and there was not enough wall to display it on. Finally figured out a way: part of it will be on a wall, part on a bench in front of the wall. So the idea that Galaxy is a setting, a thing to be used, is kept alive – nice! The challenge then was to find a way to mount Mini Galaxy on a wall – the thing is truly heavvy! After a series of spectacularly unsuccessful tries with needle and thread I decided I’d tack the circles to the canvas.  And yes – sturdy, and hardly visible.

Tomorrow I’ll go and hang Mini Galaxy – if not successful I will have all of Monday afternoon and Wednesday to work on a plan B. For on Wednesday evening we have a small ceremony planned with everyone that contributed. And under those circumstances I don’t like the idea of just-in-time delivery. New years resolution: always have time for a plan B.


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