
hazelaar klThey call it Witch-hazel – a shrub or smallish tree that has the unusual habit of flowering in winter. It is probably a sign of being middle-aged when things like winter-flowering shrubs become precious, but there we are …..

Witch-hazel isn’t the only one presenting me with flowers, either. My garden boasts two varieties of it (the Witch-hazel I mean), three Hellebores and two Viburnums. And the first snowdrop-in-bloom has been sighted today as well, be it inbetween showers and hailshowers. And a lot of lovely small pansies in pots that  – big surprise – survived snow, sleet and night frosts. Pansies are cheating, though, I bought them at the local store that caters to farmers, pet owners and avid gardeners like me. Called ‘Boerenbond’ or ‘Farmers co-op’ , it is my favorite shop. Yes, middle-aged, definitely.

The larger part of today has been devoted to needlework – I’m making a tree (non-flowering as yet) and its outer layer is made up of black tricot. Tricot is tricky stuff to handle – it stretches and it ladders like the nylon stockings I’ve vowed never to wear again. Yes, middle-aged without a doubt.

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