Up, down

These past few weeks I’ve been busier than the proverbial ant. To illustrate this: last week I only had two meals at home, all the others (breakfasts, lunches and dinners) were eaten on location, in the train or on the hoof. Not good! Not smart! Not elegant!

I must admit that I took on too much work – all interesting stuff to do, and most of it remunerative, too. Last week my body threw out a few ‘slow down’  signals, ones I cannot very well ignore. So I’ve given myself time to slow down a bit. Also to dawdle in the garden, one of my favourite places to dawdle in. And I took time to actually look at the many garden images I have stashed away. One thing leading to another,  I printed and framed some tulip photo’s, working title: ‘what comes up must come down’. Which is a reference to both Damien Hirst and Isaac Newton. I chose black-and-white so as to focus more on the immoderate forms of the decaying flowers.

What comes up must go down 08 What comes up must go down 09 What comes up must go down 10 What comes up must go down 11

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