Van Eyck at Van Boetzelaerstraat

At the Van Boetzelaerstraat a courageous effort has been made to keep van Eyck’s spirit alive. The climbing globe has been resurrected and placed right next to some more modern stuff. The modern stuff is much more elaborate, and – in my opinon – less effective than van Eyck’s designs. His designs encourage kids to use their imagination, the modern ones carry  pre-fabricated stories. Noticed how in van Eyck’s playgrounds it is the children that move, not the furniture?

Didn’t crayon – too wet. Little girl got wet all over, walking through a number of large puddles on the new soft rubber tiles. What do we need those for, anyway? They are ugly, and they make for ugly burns when fallen on.  Which we managed not to do yesterday …

Van Boetzelaerstraat kl 2010Vamn Boetzelaerstraat kl 01  082Vamn Boetzelaerstraat kl 2010 02  082