The experiment will go on

And the network keeps spreading and spreading …. tent-like structures are now covering half the wood we’re playing in. If I never see a pair of cloth-scissors again I will die a happy women, but still, we made amazing progress. A lot of repeat visitors and  that’s always a good sign. Had to hide a cache of balls and T-shirts so as to have something to do tomorrow. Difficult to have the provisioning thing  just right.

While working, Eveline and I keep coming up with new ideas: weave the web ourselves and make it sturdy enough to climb in; sort colours and do tents that have one colour, use balloons and discarded tights; do a carpet; do a ladder; make an obstacle course; make a giant dragon. The experiment  will go on!

Later: more ideas. Add little chimes to the network; Use pullies to lift the network up and make a dradenkathedraal (thread cathedral) . Work with lighting – evening is a good time for art.

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