What goes around comes around

The not-so-little-girl is on holiday this week, and we’ve spent some quality time together. Actually, I hate the concept of ‘quality time’ – parenting, like life, is ‘what happens while you’re making other plans.’ Anyway, we tend to do stuff that creates a  lot of mess and a lot of fun. And sometimes the results aren’t half bad, either.

Today’s experiment was tie-dy – yes, what goes around comes around. We’ve tried using food colorant, which was a failure as it washed out when rinsing. So today we used honest-to-god textile dye and we expect to fail better. If it is any indication: I spilled some dye on my hands and it was nearly impossible to get it off.

The not-so-little-girl is not the most patient person alive, and in this, she’s like her mom. But we do have to wait until tomorrow to see if todays experiment has better results. So: to be continued!

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