Action Weaving


Tried out the play-with-yarn idea yesterday, a spin-off  from the Big Knit project . The idea is to sketch a 3D structure with a group: a tent, a hide-out, a cave.  Due to circumstances, we had little time yesterday to work with the two groups of kids that volunteered. But it worked out really well! The weaving was an instant hit with the kids, something they have an instinctive grasp of.

As suggested by Eveline, I did most of the yarn-making beforehand, so as to be able to sketch a 3D structure as a starting point. Some hectic weaving followed by a true forest of hands. Lovely to watch, if a bit difficult to photograph. Note: try video? When the yarn ran out we started making new, which also led to  costume-making with T-shirt scraps left over. Lots of stuff to take home and show mum and dad – never a dull moment with these kids!

The whole thing reminded me of Jackson Pollock in action –  same concentration, same tension:  Action Weaving.



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